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Join our Product Testers Community

Test Products & Get Paid for Your Opinion

  • You receive awesome products to test
  • In exchange, you share your feedback with the brand
  • You can earn extra cash for doing additional tasks

How Does it Work

Infographic on how PPOC works
You're only a few steps away from your first Product Test. Are you ready?

What Other Members Say About Us

"In the last 8 months, I have made over $800 in questionnaires and product tests and have received almost $6000 worth of free product!"

Lacey F.

I have been a part of PPOC Club for almost a year. In that time, I have been able to test over 265 different products. I have gotten to test everything from gummy vitamins and bed pillows to snow pants and baby products. I love being a part of PPOC Club and helping out the different companies.

What Can You Expect?

Product Test icon
Product Tests
These are products you can test, and with the valuable feedback, brands can improve their product or marketing concept. (Of course, you can keep the product after testing!)
Market Research icon
Market Research Jobs
You simply follow steps that are clearly described in order to give brands insights on search results, your first impression and what would make you buy or not buy a certain product you can find.
Poll icon
These polls are small A/B tests. You share your opinion to help brands to improve their marketing.
Gigs icon
These are simple and small actions. You help brands to analyze their position, how easily a product can be found, or where it can be found.

Invitation to apply

Our platform is great. The products you can test are amazing. The brands in our network are open for feedback and eager to learn. But there's one thing that's still missing: Without testers, our platform wouldn't even exist. We would be nowhere if it weren't for our honest, funny, critical, and constructive community! Today, you get the opportunity to join us.
Here's what joining our network will bring to you:
  • New and interesting products to test;
  • Up to 100% cashback on these products, plus a little extra cash for additional tasks;
  • Eternal gratitude from the brands you help.
Joining our network isn't 'for free'. We see it as a transaction: your time and effort in exchange for interesting products and bonus points that can be cashed out. When you decide to join us, here's what we would love to see most:
  • You're open to testing a wide variety of products. Even if you wouldn't buy the products for yourself. Tip: you can always give them to friends or family members.
  • You're thorough in testing the product: you really make an effort to try the features, take a look at the packaging and how everything works. So the brands can improve their products and get ahead of the competition.
  • You like to share your true and honest feedback. You're a constructive person, but can also be critical when you need to be.
Are you ready?


  • Why would I trust you?

    We understand it if you're not sure whether you can trust us. After all, we ask you to purchase a product before you receive your cashback. We are a legit company with great customer service, but we get it if you don't take our word on it. Our tip: claim an inexpensive product first, and try us (just the same as Stephanie did — check out her video!). Still on the fence? Check out these review videos and let our more experienced members convince you!
  • Why do I have to pay for the products first?

    1. 1. We want our members to be committed. That's why we ask this small investment upfront, after which you will receive a 100% cashback for the full product price.
    2. 2. Going through the purchase process reflects the REAL customer journey. This means you can share your input on the whole buying experience.
    3. 3. It's the only way PPOC and brand partners can track product tests.
  • Is this for everyone?

    No, this is only for the people that want to contribute to brands, and get rewarded in exchange. As a member, you're the most valuable to our community if you really love testing products and want to help brands improve their products. If you're someone who likes cutting corners, this is probably not for you. But go through the application test to find out yourself.
  • What kind of products can I expect?

    The range of products we have available for testing depends on the brands that need product tests at that moment. So if a vitamin or supplement brand is designing new bottles, you may run into some of these. On the other hand, if you're lucky and active enough, ski coats or neck pillows have been offered for testing too. You have the largest chance to run into interesting product tests when you're an active member and check for product tests on several moments of the day. Oh, and don't forget: you can work your way up in the program. When the algorithm recognizes you as an active member, you'll be more likely to receive more expensive or high-end products.
  • How much time does it take?

    Completing tasks within the program normally takes between 5-10 minutes, with an occasional task that may take a bit more of your time. Don't expect lengthy questionnaires: the jobs are easy to do and come with clear instructions. For every task you complete, you will earn bonus points that can be cashed out.